The Drucker Family Photo Album

Bruce and Debbie's Wedding!

Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Deutschmann!
Their First Dance!
The Bride and her father, Meyer Drucker
Ready for Dessert?
Everyone having fun!
Bruce's Mom, Debbie, Meyer, Bruce
The Bride and Groom
The Rabbi goes for a ride!
Tobie, Meyer, Herb, Ted and Fay
Tobie, Sarah, Herb, Fay, Ted, Meyer, Ronnie, Ellen
Kenny and Larry - Just alittle closer...Please!
Katie, Robin and Kay Drucker
Carl and Temmey Novit
David and Fay
David and Fay outside
Isabelle Drucker
Leon and Debbie Zoller
Sarah and Rachel Zoller
Lisa, Ronnie and Isabelle
Tobie and Fay
Ellen, Sarah and Ronnie Drucker

Family Pictures

Larry and Jackson at the Columbia Zoo
Nicholas and Jackson at the Columbia Zoo
Jackson with a cow at the Zoo
Nicholas' First Grade Class
Nicholas Drucker
Jackson Drucker
Larry Drucker
Herbert Drucker
The brothers @ last year's reunion
Herb, Ronnie & Isabel in New Mexico
Herb & Kay @ last year's reunion
Herb & Robin poolside
Debbie & Kay SMILIN'
Family @ Arf's
One for Tobie
The brothers @ this year's reunion
A view from the train
Aunt Isabel
Kay Drucker
Morris Drucker @ home
Rafting with Temmey,Carl, BJ,Nicholas, Luann & Larry
Michael Zoller & family.

Marty's Pictures
Marty & Isabel Drucker
Katie, Robin, and Charles Drucker
Luann & Debbie Drucker
Larry Drucker
Part of the Drucker Clan
Before rafting at the train station

Cute Pictures of Jackson!
Cowboy Jackson!
Ride 'em Jackson!
Pilot Jackson
Painter Jackson

Small towns of the South with family origins
Denmark, SC - Home of Morris & Ida Belle Drucker
Waynesboro, GA - 1st home of Taylor and Annie Andronosky
McCormick, SC - Home of Hyman and Clara Drucker - Also home of David Anderson/Andronowsky until the late 1920's!
Inside the McCormick, SC of Hyman and Clara Drucker
The safe in the McCormick store today w/ H. Drucker above the Door
Edgefield, SC - Home of Abrom and Rebecca Daitch
Midville, GA - Home of the Shapiro's

Denmark Pictures

Morris Drucker's corner store
The Big Barn - Morris Drucker's house

Augusta Pictures!

Abe and Annie Schneider - Annie lived next door to the Andronosky's and Drucker's on Ellis St. in Augusta. Abe is Clara Kaplan Drucker's Nephew!
1200 block of Ellis St. today.
1216 Broad St. - The Daitch Building.
1213 Ellis St.
1208 Broad St. was Abrom's Furniture Store (Marketplace)
Hand pull elevator in old Daitch store.
Coming down to the 2nd story of the old Daitch store.
Cash Register in the old Daitch store.
The foundation of 1211 Ellis St. - All that's left.
238 Broad St. - Abrom Daitch's House.
The back of 238 Broad St.
The entrance to Tubman - Bubbe's High School.
Tubman High School today.
The entrance to Tubman.
Hyman Drucker.
Hyman Drucker Library.
Entrance to Adas Yeshurun.
Inside Adas Yeshurun.
Memorial plaque to Clara Kaplan Drucker.
Memorial plaques to Family members.

Relatives Headstones

Taylor and Annie Andronosky
Taylor and Annie Andronosky - Hebrew Side
Fannie Andronosky
Toby Malke Drucker
Mayer Drucker
Morris & Ida Belle Drucker
Hyman and Clara Kaplan Drucker
Abrom and Rebecca Daitch
David Darling and Frieda Mukin
Mose Darling
Rebecca Shapiro & Adel Darling
Paul, Bertha, & Max Shapiro
Max & Eva Slotin

Voices from the past

Morris Drucker
Kartuz Bereza
Morris Laughing
Morris' Proposal to Ida Belle
Morris Drucker the peddler....
Moving into Denmark
Music to Morris
Morris' musicbox
Yiddish Advice

The material in this website is copyright 1998, 1999 & 2000 by The Drucker's unless otherwise noted on this site. All rights reserved.